Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No Excuses

NOT knowing how to act is no excuse for not knowing how not to act.
In the spirit of Mr. Blackwell, and his dubious honors award the P.A.S.S. will recognize and award (not reward) behavior that is less than exemplary. In fact,, we’ll select behavior we consider despicable.
All of us, at sometime during our lives, have been there. It’s human nature. These awards are not for the average Joe or Josephine, who slips now and then. Instead, PASS will look for and examine consistent “sub-human” behavior.
The mind has the precarious ability to justify anything. Everyone meets people like these.
For them, PASS can be an outlet. Notice how willingly people appear on the talk shows to air their dirty laundry? They too are eligible. The hosts and programmers are better candidates.
But the most serious violators of the human condition have more celebrity, power and control over more lives. This is the stuff of the annual awards.

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